Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Grapes of Wrath

The film â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath† I observed as of late is the great adjustment of John Steinbeck’s epic composed and distributed in 1939 just a single year before the film was discharged. At the point when the film creation was endorsed the chief John Ford and his team had the option to achieve a significant assignment and finish the task without engaging in the contention with trade guilds what was significant since numerous individuals from the group had a place with them. The content which depends on Steinbeck’s book embraced an unmistakable lingo, the language verbally expressed by the locals living in provincial Oklahoma so the realness impression was saved. The film presents the hours of the Great Depression in the American Mid West and West drifts. This was an extreme period of American history that got the truly precise documentation and John Ford’s film shows us consummately the experience of numerous individuals those days †ranchers and their families, strays and strikers. For some Americans who viewed the film in the venues in the enormous urban communities it was difficult to discover how hard and upsetting it was for the individuals living in the nation to be constrained out of the terrains they were taking a shot at. Here the executive acquaints us with the group of poor ranchers from Oklahoma Dust Bowl and their battling during the extreme occasions of the financial emergency. While viewing the film I watched the difference between the delegates of the lower class and the affluent landowners who exploit the tragic conditions. From the occasions introduced I’ve discovered that the monetary emergency and the propelling innovation which was utilized to cultivate the land were liable for exceptional and outrageous changes which were forced on a huge number of individuals without wanting to. All the farmers’ families which for some, ages made the living out of their homesteads in the brief timeframe got the warnings requesting to move out and surrender the properties which they were living at. Clearly it was not their decision and the choice was made for their sake without giving them the elective chances. The principle characters in the film are the individuals from Joad’s family who are not just managing the issues within their family yet in addition with the premise of their reality which is jeopardized. Those destitute individuals see very well that when battling all the chances the main arrangement is to remain together and depend on one another and when confronting the upsetting reality they choose to stay as a family while entering the new section of their lives. So as to discover an answer for their issues Joad’s family chooses to set out on the excursion to California. They have high expectations and solid convictions that on the off chance that they will arrive, their circumstance will change for better, they will have the option to secure positions and subsequently will settle in their new home. While in transit to their goal they experience numerous unforeseen occasions which they need to manage as they show up. They free two individuals from their family and keeping in mind that remaining at the camps for the comparable transients they find out about the miserable reality which was anticipating them. It created the impression that all the data they have been given before they left Oklahoma were not actually obvious and the land proprietors were attempting to procure benefits by utilizing the unreasonable work rehearses. Being completely mindful of the frantic conditions the proprietors of the enormous homesteads extend to low wages employment opportunities and endeavor every one of those recruited to chip away at their properties. The new comers were not invited and rewarded with dubious habits. The nearby inhabitants who feared losing their own wellspring of pay were acting antagonistic and transparently showed their resistance. Individuals like Joad’s family while compelled to remain in the camps and anticipating the potential business were treated by neighborhood specialists like difficulty producers. Each one of the individuals who attempted to defend their privileges were viewed as troublesome and wrongly blamed for inconvenience causing. Rich and well off class delegates were just abusing the influence of the nearby experts so as to secure their own advantage and increment the possible benefits. Whoever was bold enough to differ with those sorts of techniques was considered as a danger and drove out or needed to confront the abuse and misuse. While dominant part of moving families were exposed to the difficulty and consistent battling, the more modest number of this gathering were sufficiently fortunate to locate the impermanent facilities gave by the Federal specialists as a type of social help during the financial downturn. When they had the option to arrive at such offices they were offered conventional and sensible lodging with the fundamental sterile establishments. The life in those spots was composed by the guidelines which campers could set up so all the occupants were treated with deference and there was no capacity to bear any type of misuse. Anyway a portion of the nearby land proprietors didn't care for the circumstance and were attempting to disrupt the camp. Regularly those legislature oversaw offices were exposed to the composed endeavors of intentionally started aggravations which will give the contentions to the nearby specialists to act while â€Å"preserving law and order†. It ought to be seen that even extreme it was not the director’s aim the conditions appeared and the type of the board in those camps prevailing with regards to working up the notoriety of the Government and aided in perceiving endeavors coordinated towards ceaseless improvement during the emergency. The majority rule techniques which were giving all the occupants the option to secure their status were effectively keeping up the settled life while remaining inside the outskirts of the camp. Indeed, even the police specialists were not permitted to enter without the warrant. Numerous inhabitants immediately acknowledged how delicate and significant it is for them to keep forestalling the set up request in the camp so they could sort out the arrangement of the comities which were directing all the key parts of consistently everyday environments. Under those conditions enduring the troublesome occasions until the work openings show up was significantly more adequate and assisted with building the trust in the better future. The film certainly demonstrates that individuals while confronting significant challenges have a lot higher odds of winning in the event that they help one another and remain together as opposed to opposing and battling those issues just all alone. Indeed, even the most grounded and most decided endeavors to oppose and battling the truth by one single individual won't keep going long and toward the end won't be viewed as effective. The Joad’s family demonstrated to themselves that together they can figure out how to endure and utilize the challenges which they experienced as the learning experience. By utilizing the mix of astuteness and savvy suppositions along with positive attitude and genuine goals they had the option to help each other during the time spent the choices making. As we as a whole currently experience the bothers and worry about the concern of battling economy, while viewing the film we can relate in some specific manner to the introduced story. We are completely mindful that shockingly seventy years after the fact there are numerous Americans who do need to discover answers to determine their issues and respond to the uncommon changes which the economy forced on them. As Casy, the previous evangelist impeccably sums up his view when playing out the memorial service customs by saying: â€Å"I wouldn’t ask only for an elderly person that’s dead, ‘cause he’s OK. If I somehow managed to implore, I’d appeal to God for people that’s alive and don’t know what direction to turn†. The way that the American Academy of Motion Pictures designated John Ford’s film was one reason why even the President of the USA Franklin D. Roosevelt was available there and gave the discourse which comprised of remarks in regards to the film one of a kind character. For somebody like me whose information on the United States current history isn't so profound I found the film as being very teaching and introducing Americans’ lives during the Great Depression from an alternate point of view. Contrasting with the ongoing creation, the â€Å"Cinderella Man† I discovered very barely any similitudes and issues which were especially significant anyway the executive John Ford isn't attempting to make a fantasy yet rather is uncovering the clouded side in which both the principles of economy and human instinct rival each other in the most significant battle as the main conceivable method of getting by without loosing the human qualities such a nobility and pride. We can say that the fundamental characters, their associations and conduct regardless of whether started from the normal senses of people gradually however consistent helped them to developed the opposition and inevitably made them more grounded than they were ever previously. Much the same as Russell Crowe in the â€Å"Cinderella Man† was given another opportunity and didn't squander it however prevailing in his excursion to the triumph on the boxing ring, Joad’s family under the otherworldly authority of Tom’s mother gladly rose out all things considered and stayed steadfast about anticipating them much better future. As I would like to think the historical backdrop of this nation showed us a truly significant exercise which demonstrated that even the Great Depression couldn't wreck the solid American soul and dishearten individuals from utilizing their aptitudes and joined endeavors to help each other in the critical crossroads. Individuals need to accept that the extreme occasions will end and they will have the option to appreciate living once more. Nothing rouses individuals deprived to make a move and take part in many long haul endeavors better than having expectation and confidence that the better future is in their grasp, that nothing else can assist them with bettering than their own assurance.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

catcher in the rye :: essays research papers

The Catcher in the Rye is the conclusive novel of a youthful man’s developing torments, of experiencing childhood in torment. Growing up is a custom †more lethal than religion, more confused than baseball, for there appear to be no guidelines. Everything is experienced for the first time.† What exactly degree do you concur with this section? Do you concur that Catcher in the Rye is the authoritative novel of a youthful man’s developing torments, of experiencing childhood in torment? Do you concur that growing up is a custom? You have to recognize whether you concur with this entry, and afterward you have to legitimize/bolster your answer. I do concur with the announcement classing Catcher in the Rye as â€Å"the complete novel of a youthful man’s developing pains.† I don't concur with the announcement â€Å"growing up is a ritual.† Absolutely J.D. Salinger’s tale is engaged around the torment of growing up; a novel about a youthful character’s development into development, yet this novel investigates the procedure from an alternate point of view. Holden Caulfield is an unordinary hero for supporting this topic since his focal objective is to oppose the procedure of development itself. As indicated by Webster’s New World Dictionary, Holden’s last name Caulfield truly represents caul, the layer encompassing the leader of a kid at birth.† Holden fears change and is overpowered by unpredictability. Holden wants everything to be effectively justifiable and forever fixed. During a visit to the gallery of characteristic history Holden utilizes shows to disclose his protection from change, â€Å"The best thing, however, in that exhibition hall was that everything consistently remained right where it was. Nobody’d move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would at present be simply wrapped up those two fish. Nobody’d be unique. The main thing that would be distinctive would be you (Salinger, 121).† Holden opposes development and is a scared adolescent, he is startled in light of the fact that he is liable of the transgressions he condemns in others and on the grounds that he can't comprehend his general surroundings. Holden nonetheless, will not recognize this dread, communicating it just on a couple of events †for instance, when he discusses sex conceding that â€Å"sex is something I just don’t comprehend. I pledge to God I don’t (Salinger, 63).† As opposed to recognizing that adulthood alarms and confuses him, Holden concocts a dream that adulthood is a universe of triviality and bad faith, while youth is a universe of blamelessness, interest and trustworthiness. catcher in the rye :: articles inquire about papers The Catcher in the Rye is the authoritative novel of a youthful man’s developing agonies, of experiencing childhood in torment. Growing up is a custom †more dangerous than religion, more entangled than baseball, for there appear to be no guidelines. Everything is experienced for the first time.† What exactly degree do you concur with this entry? Do you concur that Catcher in the Rye is the complete novel of a youthful man’s developing torments, of experiencing childhood in torment? Do you concur that growing up is a custom? You have to recognize whether you concur with this section, and afterward you have to legitimize/bolster your answer. I do concur with the announcement classing Catcher in the Rye as â€Å"the conclusive novel of a youthful man’s developing pains.† I don't concur with the announcement â€Å"growing up is a ritual.† Surely J.D. Salinger’s epic is engaged around the torment of growing up; a novel about a youthful character’s development into development, yet this novel investigates the procedure from an alternate point of view. Holden Caulfield is an abnormal hero for supporting this topic since his focal objective is to oppose the procedure of development itself. As indicated by Webster’s New World Dictionary, Holden’s last name Caulfield truly represents caul, the layer wrapping the leader of a youngster at birth.† Holden fears change and is overpowered by multifaceted nature. Holden wants everything to be effectively reasonable and interminably fixed. During a visit to the historical center of regular history Holden utilizes displays to disclose his protection from change, â€Å"The best thing, however, in that exhibition hall was that everything consistently remained right where it was. Nobody’d move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would at present be simply wrapped up those two fish. Nobody’d be unique. The main thing that would be diverse would be you (Salinger, 121).† Holden opposes development and is a terrified young person, he is scared on the grounds that he is liable of the transgressions he condemns in others and in light of the fact that he can't comprehend his general surroundings. Holden nonetheless, will not recognize this dread, communicating it just on a couple of events †for instance, when he discusses sex conceding that â€Å"sex is something I just don’t comprehend. I vow to God I don’t (Salinger, 63).† Instead of recognizing that adulthood panics and confuses him, Holden concocts a dream that adulthood is a universe of triviality and pietism, while youth is a universe of blamelessness, interest and genuineness.

Friday, August 21, 2020

P.E.S.T analysis of social media marketing

P.E.S.T investigation of online networking showcasing So as to examination the large scale ecological difficulties that could impact online life advertising, the exploration led by keynote will be applied. Among the monetary variables impacting internet based life promoting is the digitial economy act created in 2010. This was planned as an endeavor to control illicit sharing of documents. Since, interpersonal interaction sties effectively empower clients to share and communicate content, numerous clients have made endeavors of asserting copyright. Guidelines A year ago, a correction, covering each mean of internet showcasing correspondences, was made in expansion to the administrative structure which as of now covers online commercials. The goal behind this is to guarantee Monetary elements Various variables have affected the expanded interest in internet based life as far as showcasing. One central point comprises of the financial emergency having diminished spending plan for customary showcasing channels. Another factor is included expanding development and prominence of person to person communication. This has driven advertisers to connect with their crowd through online networking. A further test is forced by the unnecessary interest in person to person communication organizations as reliance on promoting might be affected by the current monetary emergency. Social variables The web based life being profoundly reliant on the current patterns in buyers inclinations, there is an incredible danger of those clients exchanging their inclinations. A case of such is the change from MySpace to Facebook. Innovative variables As long range interpersonal communication has become an incorporated piece of online involvement with terms of search just as coordinated computerized showcasing concerning publicizing, clients may look for arrangements and help Task2. Media announcing - the impact of internet based life showcasing The included reports shed light on the quick development and patterns in web-based social networking promoting, and propose exceptional ways whereby associations can abuse the current patterns of internet based life and imprint their essence. Advertisers Mine Facebook, Twiiter Posts to Duck Brand Snafus The creator recommend that as opposed to expecting to produce impressions among crowd individuals, an association should apply positive and persuading effect on social networks residents. Along these lines, these clients will spread the message to others. This is likewise perceived as informal advertising (Flinn, 2010). On the other hand, the writer further contends that poor administration of web based advertising can blowback and produce negative result which will spread on the web. In this manner, it tends to be contended that significance of verbal exchange and viral advertising are probably going to expand which is the reason interest in these instruments are essentially. Specifically, Word of Mouth the board is required so as to maintain a strategic distance from negative referrals that could harm a given organizations notoriety or picture. Also, it is proposed that an online nearness can assist organizations with maintaining a strategic distance from item catastrophes. Likewis e, it is contended that Facebook, Twitter and online journals are satisfactory devices that can empower organizations to get a knowledge in the shoppers thinking process. Online life are changing the guidelines for business This report recommends the expanding utilization of online networking showcasing can help organizations to fabricate their image, extend their objective reach and relationship to their clients. This report further contends that associations notorieties are by and large continually framed and an organization may hazard losing their client dependent on informal organization destinations. Subsequently, it could be contended that Social Media Marketing ought to be incorporated in the general correspondence plan. Furthermore, it is propose that organizations who don't receive internet based life promoting and depend on conventional methods for advertising may hazard losing or harming their picture. In this manner, it is recommended that they should partake and make themselves obvious. Besides, the report recommend that online media empowers organizations to include their clients in making new items or administrations through their criticism. Undertaking 2. Individual SWOT examination Undertaking 4. Remaning adaptable Dear Peter, If it's not too much trouble find encased a proposition of my solicitation for work from home. As you may see, this issue is of critical significance for me. I trust you will invite my thoughts of building up a harmony between what could demonstrate recipient for the division just as empowering me to manage my own issues. I would demand for a 60-day time for testing, with the chance of mid-route assessment after the primary month and toward the finish of the period to survey the usefulness. In the event that you have any further inquiries, kindly don't spare a moment to ask me. Thank for thinking about my solicitation. Work from Home Proposal I have been utilized at FDM for a long time and I am exceptionally dedicated to the nature of my work. Recently, I have been discovering it amazingly hard to adapt to some family issues, which have been increased because of my all day work. Furthermore, my drive time of an hour and a half from Holbaek makes it hard for me to address the necessities of my family issues. In this manner, I might want to demand for two days, where I can telecommute. Having checked on different groups participation in the division, Fridays and Mondays, would be proper. I accept that my efficiency will increment, as I no longer need to drive, which will improve my exhibition. This will likewise imply that you don't have to pay for driving costs. What's more, this will add to my activity fulfillment as I will discover a harmony between my activity and family. I will have my PC and telephone close by so I can be effortlessly reached. I might want to talk about my proposition in further detail and address any potential worries that you may have. I comprehend that because of your duty of the association, you should decide if this is proper as far as accomplishing the objectives for the workplace. As the vast majority of my duties require working with online exercises my working from home is more averse to cause the nature of work to endure. The accompanying speak to potential effect of my working from home on the division and may involve the accompanying: Issue: The divisions advancement and execution of correspondence technique may require extra Arrangement: I will keep John refreshed with my proposals and request that he send me the brief of procedures that have been talked about in the division Issue: Management of online life networks Arrangement: This would require online nearness, which is less inclined to be an issue Issue: Producing provides details regarding on the web exercises; input, key issues, bits of knowledge and patterns Arrangement: I might want to inquire as to whether she is eager to help me with this while I do her players in the online exercises. Issue: Identify online dangers and openings encompassing the brand Arrangement: I invested 20% of my energy in surveying the dangers and openings. On the off chance that you conclude that Helen would be a suitable individual to deal with the criticisms, I accept she would be fit for taking care of this notwithstanding her obligations. Undertaking. 5 Making a positive impact on potential managers Web based Marketing Assistant Showcasing Communications Assistant Universal Online Marketing Social Media Guru I am at present eligibile for the above recorded positions, which can be ascribed to the way that I don't have sufficient work understanding inside web based life advertising, which is the reason I would be qualified for positions, for example, on the web and disconnected showcasing colleague, Marketing Communications Assistant or International Online Marketing Social Media Guru. Online life supervisor future objective So as to be equipped for the this position, an encounter of 3-4 years is fundamental. I accept that the most satisfactory method for picking up the experience is through an apprenticeship which can give me a knowledge into how web-based social networking director manages different assignments and how they empower independent venture increase an upper hand by building their one of a kind picture through internet based life. While picking up the experience I mean to build up my abilities as far as creating and improving my system, the executives, . Assist individuals with advancing themselves through varius web-based social networking plat structures, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin. Addition capabilities that can assist me with helping plans for private company and how they as opposed to putting resources into conventional methods for advancing. Sought after occupation because of the present credit crunch and the expanding notoriety of web based life. What I can contribute with is my experience and information This can likewise be recognized as showcasing system that I blieve that building your vocation involves timing and right presently is the ideal planning for building a profession inside web based life. I trust I can accomplish this position not just based on my degree in Marketing yet additionally my lone wolves degree in Internatinal correspondences. Moodboard depiction The moodboard speaks to how I see myself and my future objectives. Initially, I have utilized a hawk as to me it speaks to independency, assurance and authority. The clock hates my dependability and the significance of timing. Adaptability is one of the catchphrases which portray my character. The fly on the bicycle: I accept practically any objective is feasible in the event that one have self control and assurance. Collaboration: The brilliant person speaks to cooperation and The lady running towards the bolts, speaks to my ability of conflicting with the chances. The house in the ocean: speaks to doing what may seem unthinkable. The gold picture represents my will to accomplish the outcomes by inspiring others and being a teamplayers.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Coleridges Use of the Narrative Method in Part 7 of the Ancient Mariner - Literature Essay Samples

Part 7 forms the dramatic climax of the poem in which the Mariner returns to his own â€Å"countree†. Coleridge uses the focal character, the eponymous Ancient Mariner, to narrate the aftermath of the journey and his life since and includes dialogue from the pilot, his boy and, most significantly, the Hermit to make clear the moral of the poem. That the Wedding Guest is not given direct speech as the Mariner concludes his tale can also be seen as significant, suggesting to the reader that as he is a â€Å"sadder and wiser† man, he cannot find the words to respond to the Mariner’s tale. The omniscient narrator concludes the tale, completing the â€Å"frame† of the narrative and perhaps introducing more credibility to the Mariner’s tale: this external voice prevents the reader from dismissing the Mariner’s narrative as the ramblings of a â€Å"grey-beard loon†.Like the rest of the poem, Part 7 draws on elements of the ballad form such as use of the quatrain stanza form, but it is in this concluding section that we see Coleridge stray the furthest from the traditional form, perhaps to emphasise the changes in the Mariner’s life: although the setting has moved from sea to land, the Mariner’s life has been irrevocably changed by his experiences. Coleridge varies stanza length throughout Part 7 and also uses enjambment between stanzas which can be seen to reflect the idea there is not defined ending to the poem: the Mariner’s journey will continue. There is also little evidence of the internal rhyme so prevalent in earlier sections of the poem. The effect of this had been to draw the auditor, the Wedding Guest, –and by extension the reader- in as it created and almost chant- like, hypnotic feel, compelling us to listen. However, by this point, the Mariner is aware he has our full attention.Coleridge’s use of a variety of poetic methods adds to this many-layered poem and enables us to have a deeper understanding of Coleridge’s themes and ideas, particularly here, the idea of â€Å"the one life†, often seen as the poet’s central message. The introduction of the Hermit is a key as he serves as a parallel to the Mariner. He prays at an â€Å"oak stump† and this symbol illustrates how his closeness to Nature reflects a closeness to God. The oak traditionally has connotations of wisdom and in this case Coleridge is presenting the Hermit’s way of life as a good and desirable one. In direct contrast with the Mariner who shot the innocent albatross and the Wedding Guest who sees merriment rather than solemnity in the wedding ceremony, the Hermit is at one with God through his complete integration with the world around him. Furthermore, when the pilot and his boy are driven to the emotional extremes of fear and madness by the Mariner’s macabre ship, the Hermit prays, paralleling the comfort the Mariner felt when he blessed the wat er snakes. Coleridge’s nature imagery can also be seen as significant at this point. The idea of the wolf that â€Å"eats the she-wolf’s young† suggests a perversion of nature, a creature killing its own, which can be seen as a metaphor for the Mariner’s killing of the albatross. Indeed, there are many images in this section of the poem that parallel earlier images. The ship sinks â€Å"like lead†, repeating the simile used when the albatross is released from the Mariner’s neck. The supernatural forces and noises surrounding the ship here are echoes of earlier similar Gothic images and the way the Mariner finds himself lifted â€Å"swift as dreams† in to the boat perhaps serves to remind the reader of the sailor’s dreams of the spirit when the ship is becalmed. Coleridge’s use of onomatopoeia and assonance helps to immerse the reader in the Mariner’s nightmare. Using sensory imagery that is not only visual, but au ditory too, enables us to envisage the scene more clearly. Plunging us in to this nightmare world enables us to appreciate the validity of the alternative life promised by the moral. Repetition of the lines â€Å"Alone on a wide wide sea† is of particular significance here. This line metaphorically suggests the Mariner’s continuing isolation from the rest of humanity even after returning home which is emphasised in the long assonant vowel sounds of â€Å"i† in â€Å"wide†.What is considered by many to be the moral of the poem is contained here in the lines that follow â€Å"He prayeth best that loveth best† and this explains the introduction of the Hermit as a concrete example of how to integrate with nature, in contrast to the Mariner who has broken the rules of the â€Å"one life† and is punished. The lack of Gothic elements in the final lines of the poem can be seen to symbolise that the â€Å"nightmare† of the Mariner’s jou rney has ended as he has returned from â€Å"Where God scarce seemed to be† to where the â€Å"kirk† of his home town symbolises God watching over the people. The focus in the final lines shifts to the Wedding Guest, with a return to the omniscient narrator, perhaps indicating to the reader that the Mariner’s work is done now his tale is told. The embedded narrative has been completed and now the frame narrative has concluded. We are returned to the beginning of the poem just as the Mariner must now seek another audience to hear his cautionary tale.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Flights Of Fancy And The Freedom Of Speech Essay

In the hypothetical â€Å"Flights of Fancy and the Freedom of Speech,† Jeremy is a 16-year-old video game addict who is suspended after posting some fanfiction on facebook which involves characters from his favorite video game, Space Traveler XVIII, plotting to kill one of the characters, Waroomba. The characters are unable to kill Waroombra, however, because he has a copy of the United States Constitution. After the attempted murder, Waroombra grabs an assault rifle and says that he will bring it everywhere with him including the beach, gym, and school. The next day, another student reported the post to the principle, Principle Underwood, and Jeremy is suspended. After being suspended, Jeremy and his family are upset claiming that the school suspension violated Jeremy’s first amendment privileges. The question for this hypothetical is: â€Å"Did Principal Underwood violate Jeremy’s first amendment rights when she suspended him from school for his Facebook posting which, among other things, included a character’s reference to bringing an assault rifle to school? â€Å" In the past, the Rule of Law for the First Amendment was that American citizens had the right not to speak (West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943)), right for students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969)), the right to use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages (Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971)), the rightShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Johann Wolfgang Von Goethes Faust985 Words   |  4 Pagessoul to Mephistopheles, his is underserving of forgiveness. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Monks, Religion, and Heaven A Fatal Mix - 1178 Words

For a society to function properly, hierarchies are established to ensure organization, collaboration, and different levels of authority. While people in positions of power hold many responsibilities, man is still fallible. This inevitable conflict is illustrated when Ambrosio, an idolized member of the church, succumbs to temptation and sins. In Matthew Lewis’ The Monk, Ambrosio’s downfall as an esteemed religious figure depicts the contamination and corruption of a man of God, and by extension, religion as a whole. The dissonance created within Ambrosio in turn jeopardizes a society and its faith in God. Ambrosio was highly praised within the monastery and Madrid for his stainless character, and yet his hypocritical downfall exemplifies the consequences of mixing Heaven and Earth. This results in both a fall of the credibility of Catholic beliefs and a shift towards more secular viewpoints. Even at the start of The Monk, the congregation present for Ambrosio’s sermon in Madrid is full of people from â€Å"a city where superstition reigns with such despotic sway†¦to seek for true devotion would be a fruitless attempt,† there is evidence that corruption is already present in this society (7; vol. 1, ch. 1). But when a religious figure also falls to this level, the atmosphere of a church’s role within society drastically shifts. This shift then jeopardizes the spirituality of the common people because of the church’s influence and its representation of God on Earth. TheShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 PagesEnvironment a. Developed vs. Developing b. Should environment be saved at all costs c. Are we doing enough to save the environment? d. Main reasons for environmental problems nowadays 5. Religion a. Religion divides more than it unites b. Religion and politics c. Science and religion 6. Terrorism a. Can terrorism ever be eradicated? 7. Sports a. True purpose of sports nowadays b. Sports and Media 8. Foreign Aid a. How effective is Foreign Aid? 9. Migration aRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 PagesAhmad II. Summary of the Contents of the Picatrix III. Excerpt from a Lecture on Alchemy by Terence McKenna On the Moon and the Lunar Mansions IV. Extracts on the Moon V. The Mansions of the Moon: â€Å"On the Creation, Proportion and Composition of the Heavens for the Fashioning of Images† VI. The Picatrix: Lunar Mansions in Western Astrology VII. W. B. Yeats and â€Å"A Vision:† The Arab Mansions of the Moon On Ritual and Talismans Picatrix Astrological Magic Aphorisms Extracts on Planetary Ritual ClothingRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesintellectual and creative movement concerned with . The historical roots of modernist organization theory 59 a new understanding of humanity. It asserts that human beings can be free from the authority of the irrational power of monarchies and religion. We can use our powers of reason to obtain a true understanding of ourselves and society, and through science, the world of nature. The ideal of Enlightenment science is to use sensory observation – see, touch, taste, hear, smell – to capture the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Assessment of Enterprise Resource Planning System

Question: Discuss about the Report for Assessment of Enterprise Resource Planning System. Answer: Introduction: In the contemporary corporate world, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most profitable software systems. It immensely assists the organizations to make crucial decision regarding the business organization. It is highly effective for saving money, improved collaboration, better analytics, happier customers, simplified regulatory compliance, improved inventory as well as production management. In addition to that, the ERP system is also effective all level of operations ranged from senior management to ground level activities. It has been identified that Reliance crucially depends on ERP system to conduct their operating system with a greater efficiency. This particular article effectively evaluates the functionalities as well as application of the ERP system in terms of Reliances line of business. At the same time, the article identifies the benefits of the ERP system along with the challenges faced by the company. The article also includes a SWOT analysis of the for the Reliance company. Figure 1: Logo of Reliance (Source: Reliance 2016) Concept of Enterprise Resource Planning System: Enterprise Resource Planning System refers to business management software that conducts the data collecting, data storing, data managing as well as data analyzing the business activities (Tsai et al. 2012). In this context, the ERP system software is highly effective for finance activities, shipping process, payment procedures as well as inventory management. In addition to that, the ERP system plays a very significant role in marketing, sales, manufacturing as well as product planning purchase. In addition to that, it has been observed that ERP system can be used for visualizing the processes of core business operation using a common database. It also tracks the business resources such as capacity, production, raw materials as well as case in order to indicate the business commitment status (Hoch and Dulebohn 2013). Generally, Reliance uses the ERP system in several major areas of business operation. These areas are described below Financial Accounting: The entire financial operation of Reliance Company is depended on the ERP system. It has been identified that the major financial fields, where the ERP system is used, are financial consolidation, cash management, receivable cash collection, receivable cash application, matching and payment, vouchering, fixed asset as well as general ledger (Monk and Wagner 2012). Management Accounting: The senior management emphasizes on the ERP system as it successfully provide a clear picture one the business processes. In other words the ERP system provides a distinct advantage in the decision making system of the organization. The major management accounting areas, where the ERP system is used in Reliance are activity based costing, cost management, costing as well as budgeting (Kwak et al. 2012). Figure 2: Functionalities of ERP system in Reliance (Source: Reliance 2016) Human Resources: The ERP system is also proved as essential part of human resource management in Reliance. ERP system immensely assists several human resource operations such as training, recruiting, payroll, roster development, retirement, benefits, retirement separation, diversity management as well as pension plan (Shao et al. 2012). Manufacturing: Reliance uses the ERP system in the manufacturing operation just like numerous popular companies in the contemporary business world. These manufacturing operations are product life cycle management, manufacturing flow, manufacturing projects, manufacturing process, quality control, workflow management, capacity, scheduling, work orders, bill of materials as well as engineering (Bhawarkar et al. 2013). Order Processing: Another major application of ERP system is order processing. Reliance uses this system in several important order processing activities, which are sales commissioning, sales reporting and sales analysis, shipping, inventory, promise availability, pricing, credit checking, order entry as well as order to cash. Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management of Reliance is one of the major part for the success of the organization. In this context, the company immensely concentrates on ERP system in order to achieve a better efficiency (Olson and Staley 2012). These activities are warehousing, claim processing, inventory, order to cash, product configuration, supplier-scheduling as well as supply chain planning. Project Management: ERP system is also very significant part of the project management operation of Reliance. These operational activities are recognized as activity management, performance units, time and expense, billing, work breakdown structure, project costing, resource planning as well as project planning (Sykes et al. 2014). Customer Relationship Management: Reliance also emphasizes on the customer relationship management activities such as call center support, customer contact, service, commissions as well as sales and marketing. Data Services: There are also several crucial data services operations in Reliance which are assisted by the ERP systems. These operations are numerous customer interface services, supplier interface service along with employee interface services. Benefits of the Enterprise Resource Planning System: There are several distinct benefits of ERP system, which are immensely entertained by Reliance. These benefits are described below Improvement of quality and efficiency: Reliance has been highly benefitted by ERP systems in the form of improved efficiency as well as quality of the business. The ERP system effectively operates the entire business operation in a smooth fashion. Moreover, it leads towards better output in manufacturing as well as customer service operations (Altamony et al. 2016). Support for senior management: Another major benefit that is entertained by Reliance due to the ERP system is effective support to the senior management. The ERP system can significantly provide a clear visual of the operational processes so that senior management can make an nformed decision regarding any business activity. Figure 3: Benefits of ERP system entertained by Reliance (Source: Reliance 2016) Development of flexibility: The ERP system has effectively made the business operation of Reliance more agile. This way the business activities of Reliance have been transformed into a flexible operation. It makes the business operation less rigid, cohesive as well as able to perform internally as well as externally (Tsai et al. 2012). Improved data security: The ERP system has effectively secured the Reliances data management. The common control feature of the system enabled the company to ensure that the data cannot be compromised. Increased collaborative opportunities: ERP system has provided the opportunity to reliance with respect to collaboration of the business operation more smoothly. The major feature of the ERP system is that it can take many forms of information such as emails, video, audio, forms, files as well as documents, which has helped the business operation more significantly (Hoch and Dulebohn 2013). Challenges for the company: The major challenges that have been faced by Reliance are described below: ERP system is highly expensive in comparison with the less integrated solutions. The major challenge in the ERP system is customization issues. Reliance specifically faces the challenge in maintaining the focus and competitiveness at the time of revamping the business processes. Reliance has to extensively focus on maintaining management attention at the time of sharing sensitive information The company has to initiate training activities regularly in order to execute the ERP systems properly. The ERP system is highly effective for integrating the independent division of the company. In this situation, the departments often transform into overly dependent entities. Developing a smooth and cohesive ERP operation is considered a gigantic task. This is huge challenge for Reliance as it takes lots of money, planning and time. The negotiating cost associated with the ERP switching cost is considerably expensive. It increases Reliances expenses of upgrading, maintenance and support as well. SWOT analysis of the Enterprise Resource Planning System: The SWOT analysis of the Enterprise Resource Planning System for Reliance is depicted below: Figure 4: SWOT analysis of ERP system for Reliance (Source: Reliance 2016) Conclusion: The above-described article effectively described the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning System and its impact on the organizational performance. In this context, the functionalities as well as applications have been properly explained in this paper. Moreover, the article has been able to identify the benefits of ERP system in terms of Reliances line of business. The identified benefits are improvement of quality and efficiency, support for senior management, development of flexibility, improved data security as well as increased collaborative opportunities. In addition to that, the article has been able to identify the major challenges that have been faced by Reliance. The article has been able to analysis the ERP system of Reliance a SWOT matrix. The article has been able to conclude that despite several challenges the organization is heavily dependent on ERP systems with respect to its operational activities. Reference List Altamony, H., Al-Salti, Z., Gharaibeh, A. and Elyas, T., 2016. The relationship between Change Management Strategy and Successful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementations: A Theoretical Perspective.International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research,7(4), pp.690-703. Bhawarkar, R., Dhamande, L., Jain, G., Noorani, N., Badole, V., Ankush, A.M., Kasat, N.N., Sawari, S.S.M., Raju, N.M., Jadhav, V.K. and Rao, B.M., 2013. A Framework For The Implementation Of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) To Improve The Performance of journal of research in Advent Technology. Hoch, J.E. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2013. Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.114-125. Kwak, Y.H., Park, J., Chung, B.Y. and Ghosh, S., 2012. Understanding end-users acceptance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in project-based sectors.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(2), pp.266-277. Leon, A., 2014.Enterprise resource planning. McGraw-Hill Education. Monk, E. and Wagner, B., 2012.Concepts in enterprise resource planning. Cengage Learning. Olson, D.L. and Staley, J., 2012. Case study of open-source enterprise resource planning implementation in a small business.Enterprise Information Systems,6(1), pp.79-94. Reliance. 2016.Reliance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2016]. Shao, Z., Feng, Y. and Liu, L., 2012. The mediating effect of organizational culture and knowledge sharing on transformational leadership and Enterprise Resource Planning systems success: An empirical study in China.Computers in Human Behavior,28(6), pp.2400-2413. Sykes, T.A., Venkatesh, V. and Johnson, J.L., 2014. Enterprise System Implementation and Employee Job Performance: Understanding the Role of Advice Networks.Mis Quarterly,38(1), pp.51-72. Tsai, W.H., Lee, P.L., Shen, Y.S. and Lin, H.L., 2012. A comprehensive study of the relationship between enterprise resource planning selection criteria and enterprise resource planning system success.Information Management,49(1), pp.36-46.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Product free essay sample

Congratulations, consumer! You have just purchased the new and improved Ryan Ferland College-Bound Superhuman Action-Figure. Enhanced to graduate from high school in three years, your action-figure is guaranteed for hours of exciting conversation and intellectual stimulation. The Ryan Ferland College-Bound Superhuman Action-Figure is also a surety of creative enterprise, equipped with many diverse accessories for those consumers who have an eclectic range of needs they would like Ryan to fulfill. Enclosed is a brief list of those accessories. We at Ferland Family products ask you, the consumer, to please carefully read over the list and verify that each item is included with the Ryan Ferland College-Bound Superhuman Action-Figure. Included Accessories: One classical guitar and one Martin acoustic guitar. Let Ryan serenade you with his extensive repertoire of minuets and etudes. He comes with three and a half years of formal musical instruction and has the patience and determination to master his instrument. We will write a custom essay sample on The Product or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One large sketchbook, one set of drawing pencils, and one set of pens and ink. With three years of drawing experiences, the Ryan Ferland Action-Figure has a vast portfolio expressing his many moods and desires. Each action-figure has a passion for art and creativity to exhibit wonderfully rendered pieces, pleasing to the eye. One hard cover writing journal and one set of black ball-point pens. Each Ryan Action-Figure believes that the art of expression through the written word is a valuable commodity in lifes adventure. Ryan is a proficient writer. Last year alone he filled four complete writing journals, covering a wide variety of themes and forms. Ryan action-figures are known for their bluntness and articulation. One current library card. Ryan enjoys reading for pleasure and relaxation. He strives to read as many works of literature that he can to satisfy his many tastes. One set of working papers. Your Ryan action-figure has acquired work experience through the two jobs he has had the past two years. He has worked as a page at the Arlington library and as an audio-visual assistant at the Stetson University Library in his home own of Deland, Florida. One valid passport. Your Ryan action-figure is an expert traveler. His first airplane voyage was before he reached the age of one. He has been all over the earth, living at times in Paris, France and in Freiburg, Germany at the edge of the Black Forest. While in Europe, Ryan also journeyed to London for two two-week visits, walking the streets of Soho and immersing himself into the English life-style. Your Ryan action-figure has also walked through the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, climbed the alps in Switzerland, driven through the former Czechoslovakia to Prague and spent a week in Austria. He is also a veteran explorer of North America, roaming throughout the states of the eastern seaboard to the freezing streets of Quebec in the center of a ferocious snowstorm. We hope that your new purchase grants you the hours of pleasure that this unique figure was designed for. After checked the accessories list, please proceed to the Owners Manual before attempting to operate the Ryan Ferland College-Bound Superhuman Action-Figure. Ferland Family Inc. is not liable for any damages caused by the improper handling of the action-figure.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Staffing Example

Staffing Example Staffing – Coursework Example Structured interview form for World Bank World Bank is a United Nations branch; it is in United s, Washington. It was started in 1944 with an aim to reduce poverty in developing countries. It provides loans and financial assistance to membered countries all over the world. In this question, have decided to be a Human Resources Manager of the World Bank, by conducting an interview of recruiting employees to work in different departments in the Bank. The interview will be tight because the number of interviewees is high. Interviewing is the best way to recruit employees, because it completely assesses the interviewee knowledge and interpersonal skills. Tell us what you understand about World BankThe answer to this question helps to evaluate the experience of the interviewee about the bank. It helps to identify if he/she has self-interest in the bank and if they know what they will be doing in the bank. They know roughly about the activities conducted in the bank, the purpose of the ban k, its strengths and weaknesses. It will help to identify the most serious interviewees in the interview and those who have attended just for the sake of attending.How can you handle a misbehaving client in your office?This question identifies the performance of the interviewee and his customer service skills. Their attitude concerning a problem with their clients and how they can best solve it. The performance matters in any business because it also depicts on how the interviewee will be relating with the other workers and the top management. Good behavior is a crucial component in an interview. Do you have any cash handling experience?This question will assess how the interviewee can handle much cash that is flowing in his day to day activities. It looks at the transparency of the individual to handling cash if he/she knows how to record balance sheets and other cash flow documents, how to best avoid stealing money or the disappearance of money with no exact source.Tell us more ab out the banking law amendment billThis question helps to know if the interviewee knows more about the current affairs concerning the banking sector, what change have been made lately, the performance of other banks, the importance of listening to the news and reading some banking journals.What do you understand by the term depositing, withdrawing, cheque and bank slips?This question helps to identify if the interviewee knows some basic terms of the banks. It helps to avoid misunderstanding or poor performance skills of the worker. This question helps to identify the education and experience level of the interviewee. General knowledge about the subject in which one will be interviewed.In summary, interviews are important in recruiting of employees because they help to assess the information and performance skills of the employees. It will help to counter any work related problems after recruiting employees.ReferenceMargret, D., (2006), The Essential Guide to Recruitment: How to Condu ct Great Interviews and Select the Best Employees. London: Kogan Page Publishers

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Suicide and the images of death in Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Suicide and the images of death in Hamlet - Essay Example This suspicion is confirmed when he makes his famous speech wishing that his flesh would â€Å"melt,/ Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew.† (Act I, Scene 2, lines 129-130). He says that the reason he does not kill himself is because God has made laws against â€Å"self-slaughter† (Act 1, Scene 2, line 131) but in fact the real reason is probably that he is over-dramatizing his mother’s relationship with his uncle, and he does not have the courage to do this to himself. The character of Hamlet appears to be very prone to dwelling on sad events, and he also feels weighed down by the pressures of belonging to this royal family. The two young men Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are presented as a sharp contrast to the miserable Hamlet, and while they make jokes about Fortune being a woman, Hamlet just maintains â€Å"Then is doomsday near...Denmark’s a prison...† (Act II, Scene 2, lines 236 and 241) He seems to have given up on life because he says â€Å" I have of late-but wherefore I know not – lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises.† (Act II, Scene 2, lines 293-295) He contemplates suicide in another famous speech where he asks himself whether it is better â€Å"To be, or not to be...† (Act III, Scene 1, line 56). The image that he has of suicide and death is that of sleeping, and while this tempts him, because he is so tired of all the troubles that weigh him down, he is also afraid: â€Å"To die, to sleep-/To sleep, perchance to dream.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Principal-agent theory provides definitive answers to how ownership Essay - 1

Principal-agent theory provides definitive answers to how ownership and control problems should be overcome in particular firms. Discuss - Essay Example As a result of globalization, managing business is considered as a complex situation wherein the business owners should continuously develop strategic ways that can enable the company survive the internal and external business challenges. In relation to the use of principal-agent theory, this study will provide some strategic ways on how ownership and control problems should be overcome. As part of going through the main discussion, some real-life case situations will be analyzed using the principal-agent theory framework. In relation to the principal-agent framework, the agent is pertaining to the person who is offering a product or service whereas the principal is the one who pays a certain amount of money in exchange for a product or service. In line with this, the concept of principal-agent theory can also be applied in the case of a landlord (agent) and the tenant (principal) who pays rent and electricity as stipulated in the agreement contract between the landlord and the tenant The principal and the agent may or may not have complete information with regards to the future development of their business relationship. As explained by Rasmusen (2007, p. 179), the presence of moral hazard which is normally hidden by nature is a common cause of misunderstanding between the principal and the agent. In line with this, a common principal-agent problem that may arise between the landlord and the tenant is the payment for unsettled rent, electricity bills and damages that may occur inside the house. Depending on the preferred mode of payment as demanded by the landlord, the landlord can prevent the risk wherein the tenant could fail to pay the due amount of rent, damages and electricity bills by obliging the tenant to pay the amount of two months deposit plus the monthly rental fees. On the part of the tenant who is paying for the rent, the principal is more likely to demand for good quality house that is free from termites, non-functioning

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Fall of the Abbasid Empire Essay Example for Free

The Fall of the Abbasid Empire Essay While the start of the Abbasid Empire, around 750 CE was explosive and revitalizing in nature, it couldn’t mask the unfortunate truth that a series of wealth-bloated and soft-handed caliphs were to rule the new empire. By the third caliph, al-Mahdi, the empire was already in decline; the royal harem was outrageously large, mosques were built bigger and bigger, crushing the peasant class under the weight of extreme taxation. All the while, the caliphs in their garnished palaces partied and lived in extravagant fashion with little care for their countries impending demise. As the Empire spiraled further downward, the cause became more and more evident; weak rule; the empire was crippled by this and couldn’t react to outside invasions due to the power struggle in the courts between conflicting factions, thus the Buyids of Persia invaded the capital and brought down the Empire. During the very early years of the Abbasid Empire, the country was revitalized by the feat it had just accomplished in bringing down the previously formidable Umayyad Empire. It was united and strong; as a victorious young country should be. But by the reign of the third caliph, it was becoming apparent that the ruling class was spiraling downward morally, just as had happened in Ancient Rome. The royal harems were growing incredulously large, and the royalty who visited them often valued their female slaves over their own wives. Towards the end of the Abbasid era, there began an artistic revolution however, this was interesting because it was at this time that the political state was weakest. Many works of construction were underway to put peasants to work, however the cost of these works were being paid for by the peasants themselves in the form of crushing taxation from the government. The heavy taxes often could not be paid by the poor peasants, and this resulted in pillaging of peasant villages by members of the upper classes, which in return resulted in the abandonment of some peasant villages. All the while, the caliphs were played as pawns in a power struggle between opposing factions of advisors in the royal court. These factions often held the true power of the Empire while the soft and drunken caliphs partied about. This weak form of rule became extremely evident when the Buyids splintered from the Abbasid Empire and invaded Baghdad, the capital, quickly establishing their own advisors;  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sultans† which meant â€Å"victorious† in Arabic. The caliphs were truly puppet rulers now, under the control of the Buyid’s Sultans; a direct cause of weak rule. The Empire fell due to lack of strong rule. Caliphs became puppets to their courts and so their Empire became a puppet to the Buyids. Thus quickly fell the Abbasid Empire.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

I have seen that being a criminal justice major is awesome, because the jobs that are associated with a criminal justice major are really interesting to me. Being a criminal justice major has been something that I have wanted to do since I was watching crime TV shows when I was a little kid. These shows had most of my interest and the character that I would love to be is obviously the lead detective. I have always wanted to be the one who caught the break in the case that eventually led to the apprehension of the person that committed the crime. That is why I watched shows like Monk, Criminal Minds, Psych, etc. Basically if the show had crime in it and there were people trying to catch the criminal I was most likely glued to the TV. There have also been a lot of issues surrounding the criminal justice field that I find interesting. Some of these issues have touched on whether or not law enforcement should monitor cities’ more closely, due to the recent attacks on U.S. soil. Th e major that I have decided to go with seems to really fit me and I am anxious to start learning more about this field, and I am glad that I am not going to have to be on the front lines. I want to be a forensic accountant because I know it will always interest me throughout life. I am glad that I will not be surrounded by the tension that comes with respecting citizen rights and cops overstepping their boundaries between laws and respecting citizens’ rights. Recently I have had second thoughts about majoring in criminal justice, because of the fact that you pay your dues for many many years, and that just did not appeal to me and I decided to change my major. Forensic accountants deal with more of the business side of criminal justice. Most of these accou... ...stepping their boundaries between law and being a citizen. There has been some controversy over this system because it has been accused that it has been targeting certain kinds of groups. There has been lawsuits bringing up this very issue and most of them never were proven. In conclusion, I am very excited to learn more about the forensic accounting major. I do know that this major is going to be a lot of work, but I feel that I am capable of pursuing this career. The amount of jobs that will be open in this field when I graduate from college are enormous. In my paper I talked about license plate scanners on police cars and what I wanted to do with my life. I do feel that there should be rules and laws written so that it will protect citizen’s rights that they all deserve, and thankfully the career I have chosen will not force me to make those drastic decisions.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Business Analyst vs. Financial Analyst Essay

Analyst is an essential job in our society. They make analyses to help people figure out problems, and point out a positive way to solve problems. Analysts almost apply in every different professional area, such as political analyst, military analyst, and economic analyst. They analysis all information with their professional knowledge, and then translate a certain language which everybody can understand easily. For example, social analyst can use their knowledge to analyze current social problems and provide a useful analysis to government or city hall. Then, people can understand what happen to their society. Therefore, analyst is a necessary job for our society. For business corporations and companies, there are two important analysts for them. They are business and financial analysts. Many people, including employers and employees, don’t know what these two analysts are exactly, and what different between them. However, they do exist, and they do help a corporation or company become more efficient and profitable. In other words, they play important roles in business activities. In general term, business and financial analysts have different definition for their position, different working area, and different training path, but they have the same goal–to help users have better business condition. According to Julia Scholz, who is a successful business analyst, she said a business analyst is like a â€Å"road trip planner†, helping people plan their map and route (P.1). She says, â€Å"a BA will help a user determine their wants, focus on a destination or desired outcome, outline possible ‘maps’ of how to get there† (P.1). Simply, business analyst is a communicator or translator to translate what employer wants to their employee. They gather all information from boss, employee, and outside world, and plan an efficient way to achieve their goal. It is not easy to be a good business analyst. Scholz lists some steps that her term and she do everyday to help successful project: 1.Listen to the users: the most important task for business analyst is find  out user’s demand. What do users desire for? What kind of outcome do they ask for? In what way they hope to achieve their goal? And some suggestion to their employee to improve whole company’s operation. These things are important for business analyst making analysis. 2.Document: when a business analyst listens to their users, they need to record and write down all they get from users. They may use computer or recorder to record users’ words. Then when analysts do analysis, they can use this information quickly and easily. 3.Gather information: a good analyst also needs to do some outside research to determine all possible ways to achieve goal. They need to know current business situation and economic trend because outside activities would affect their analysis and strategy. 4.Translate and analyze: it is the key part for a BA. According to Scholz, â€Å"a good analyst should be able to listen to the users, analyze their requests, document the requests and then communicate these requests to the development group in a way that the development group can understand† (P.3). Most employers don’t have chance to speak to employees directly. So the business analyst plays a channel to communicate both employers and employees, and to coordinate both side to achieve final goal. So the job of business analysts is not only making analysis but also communicating requests to each side. In conclusion, Scholz states that, â€Å"BA is like a translator, able to communication in a user’s language and a developer’s language† (P.3). So a business analyst should have good communication skill in order to translate user’s requests to developing department. A BA also may be involved in these area: Data Warehouse, E-Commerce Development, New application Development, New Business Development, Software Package Selection, Software Package Customization, Business Process Improvement (B2Ttraining program P.1). A BA needs to have certain knowledge of these areas to be able analyze all business event and situation. Financial analysts are very similar to business analysts. Financial analysts  also need to gather information and makes analysis. They also help a corporation or company makes more benefits and profits. However, financial analysts work in different aspect and way to achieve user’s goal. Generally speaking, their goal is to maximize the value of the company. They are just like a doctor. They examine the whole financial condition of a corporation or company, and figure out the virus (bad strategy or financial policy). Then making a good description to improve bad things (making better financial condition). The information that a financial analyst needs to know is like: working capital, account payable turnover, and EPS. A FA needs to know the potential of a company and forecasts the financial needs of the company. In advance, FA can make a correct financial plan to the company. Compare to business analysts, financial analysts consider more about the value of company stock. So when they make financial analysis, they will put market value and stock price at the first place. Financial analysts also require communication and computer skill. They sometimes need to present their analysis in front of the chiefs of all departments, and they also need to operate some accounting software to figure out the value of the company. Totally, the job of financial analysts is to examine the financial system of the company, analyze both good and bad side, gather outside financial situation, and make a forecasting financial plan. Similar to business analysts, they try to help a company operate more efficient and profitable. In fact, business and financial analysts are very similar. They both gather information from inside and outside the company. They both make analysis form the information, and help users to improve users’ business condition or business competence. They both use computer to help them achieve their tasks. However, they have different aspects to make their analysis. One is emphasizes on whole system of the company and plan a good road to achieve users’ requests; another is emphasizes on the financial condition of the company and make forecasting financial plan. Generally, they have different ways but the same goal. Reference: 1.Scholz, Julia. â€Å"What do you analyze? One Analyst’s View† 2001/10/10 2.B2T training. â€Å"What is a Business Analyst?† 2001/10/10. 3.Ross, Stephen A. Fundamentals of Corporate Financial. Toronto: McGraw_hill Ryerson 1999. P. 8-10.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

To Believe or Not to Believe, Modern Urban Legends Essay

To Believe or Not To Believe Modern Urban Legends nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many people have heard the tale of the dotty grandmother who tried to dry off her damp poodle by placing it in the microwave oven. The dog exploded, sad to say the least , and Grandma has never been quite the same since. The story is not true; it is an urban legend, circulating by word of mouth since the 1970s (Brunvand, 108). Urban legends are popular stories alleged to be true and transmitted from person to person by oral or written communication. Legends tend to arise spontaneously and are rarely traceable to a single point of origin. They spread primarily from individual to individual through various communication, and only in atypical cases through mass†¦show more content†¦The baby alligator gets sucked through the piping of the building and eventually ends up in the sewer where it survives on eating rats and other garbage (Brown, 127). A person is more likely to believe the tale if the storyteller gives them juicy details of a child they know getting chased by one while playing in the disgusting muck, rather than saying they heard it in a coffee shop down the street. In the case of a non-cautionary legend, someone may believe the story just because it is humorous, and they are completely amazed that such a thing has occurred. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The details of a good urban legend will keep the listener on the edge of his or her seat. quot;It is human nature to want to spread this feeling to others, and be the one whos got everyone wanting to hear how the story turns outquot; (Harris, 3). Even if it is a made-up joke, they may want to personalize it by claiming it happened to a friend. Another reason urban legends are so convincing is the thought that the horrendous tale happened to a quot;friend of a friend.quot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The life of an urban legend does rely mostly on the details contained within it to give the story the interest it needs in order to be passed along to someone else, but there is something else that lies underneath the success of the legend. Anyone can brush off a story from aShow MoreRelatedTo Believe or Not to Believe, Modern Urban Legends1509 Words   |  7 PagesTo Believe or Not To Believe Modern Urban Legends Many people have heard the tale of the dotty grandmother who tried to dry off her damp poodle by placing it in the microwave oven. The dog exploded, sad to say the least , and Grandma has never been quite the same since. The story is not true; it is an urban legend, circulating by word of mouth since the 1970s (Brunvand, 108). 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